Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Welcome to our new blog!

I'm such a big girl!

Well, it has been forever since I have posted anything! So much has happened! We found out we are expecting a boy end of September! We are so excited! Haven has no idea about how her life is going to change! This summer is flying by. We are keeping very busy with lots of activities with our Youth Group. Last week we took a group of about 45 up to Northland to camp and saw God do some awesome things! This Friday Steve will take a group to Six Flags Great America- they are so excited. I would love to go, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me ride any rides! Then, he is taking the teens on a Missions trip to St. Vincent island at the end of July! The weather here has been really hot lately, but we are using the air conditioning when we have to and cooling off in the pool! We just got it this week and I am loving it! Well, hope you enjoy the pictures!

Playing in my pool!

I love noodles!

First time playing in the sand!

Mommy's big belly!

Daddy, I can do it!

Yeah, the swing is so much fun!


Sarah C said...

I was wondering when you'd start the "unisex" blog =) Those are adorable pictures, and sounds like you've been busy! Fun times in the pool and at the park, isn't summer great?

Curlyqu02 said...

Aw, Ruth she is getting SO BIG! I am happy you put up some new pix for us. I feel like it is so long over the summer when we don't see you all.
Haven is getting to look like a big girl now...So Pretty!
I fell asleep last night when I got off the phone with you and around 2am woke up to see my computer sitting on me and on. Funny! I don't even know if my update went through..haha...
Luv U!

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

she's really precious

Anneke said...

Ruth - I'm glad you found my blog! Haven is adorable, and congrats on your new little man on the way. That's so exciting!